Project Overview

The Voices


It was a glorious day—birds flew all over the place, and the wind alongside the leaves caused a twister—a sign of a powerful storm coming soon. I stood alone whilst leaning my back on the wall of my living room and thought of how… empty everything of me seemed. A dog and a cat I found on the streets a few years ago were my only companions up to this meaningless day. With names of Charlie and Cherry respectively, I supposed that they were the only ones I could trust.


Staring out through the window next to me, I glared at the growling sky. The sound of rain hitting the ground in a harsh manner started to irritate my ears. .Walking into my kitchen, I prepared myself a hot coffee. Often a sip of hot coffee would make my day better.


As soon as night fell, the rain had yet ceased. I decided to go to a nearby supermarket to buy food supply for next month. When I was on my way to the cashier, I could merely see an old lady from a dark corner of the supermarket, which brought me curiosity on why she was standing there rather oddly. I came to her and asked, “What can I do for you ma’am?” Upon a few seconds of silence, it did not seem that she would be speaking anything anytime soon. Although when I decided to walk away, she raised her wrinkled right hand and a strange feeling had taken over me. My vision became blurry, and within seconds, I fell unconscious.


When my eyes had went wide open, my body jolted up and I had realized that I was in front of my house door. The rain was harder than before, I noticed. My clothes were covered with mud and were soaked by the rain. I blinked with confusion when I saw the trolley of groceries next to me, and I stood up from the pavement and slammed open the door of my house. Pulling myself alongside the trolley into the house, I locked the door and heaved a sigh.


Walking towards my bathroom, I saw Charlie and Cherry curling together peacefully on their favorite white carpet. The sight made me smile slightly. I had a quick shower to clean myself, and changed into my pajamas. When I laid down on my bed, my mind was trying to figure out what had happened today. It was rather bizarre I must say, as surely this wasn’t a normal thing to happen to anyone. Though the exhaustion took over me, and I fell to a slumber.


“Bob, wake up! Time to go to work!” An unfamiliar voice said—wait, a voice? I jumped out of my bed and saw my two pets staring at me with their cute eyes, and thought to myself that maybe I was just imagining things.


When I had my breakfast, someone whispered to me, “Bob, you need to eat more, so you will be healthy!” Upon hearing this I went frozen and when I glanced to my side, I saw Charlie giggling… h-huh?! “W-Wait! You were the one who spoke?!” He tilted his head and stated, “You need to add more of your food.”


Silence was the only thing between us. The idea of animals speaking was absurd—well, maybe barking or purring was a way of my pets to speak, but to speak words like humans do?! That was just unheard of!

… But even though things had become rather absurd, I felt that… maybe something interesting was yet to come…