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Welcome Message

Dear Students, Parents, and Community Members,

Welcome to Saint Peter’s School, where we strive for excellence in education and personal growth for all our students. Our dedicated staff, innovative programs, and supportive community make our school a vibrant place for learning and development.
At Saint Peter’s, we believe in fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment where students are encouraged to explore their interests, develop their talents, and achieve their full potential. Our commitment to academic rigour and a focus on social-emotional learning prepares our students to be thoughtful, compassionate, and responsible global citizens.

We are proud of our rich tradition of excellence and the diverse opportunities we offer, from our advanced academic courses to our extracurricular activities in arts, athletics, and community service. We aim to provide a holistic education that equips our students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in an ever-changing world.
I encourage all of you to get involved, stay connected, and take advantage of the many resources and opportunities available at Saint Peter’s School.

Together, we can make this an enriching experience for all.

Warm regards,
Mr.Sudeep Palekar
Director of Education

Enriching Programs

St. Peter’s School prepares students for a successful university experience and beyond. St. Peter’s School graduates go on to college, where they are highly successful. Our graduates go on to college, universities around the world.


The community of Saint Peter School is bound by faith and is committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the message of God’s love as found in Scripture. Students, teachers, and parents are recognized for their unique ability to think and reason as members of a faith-filled community.

Develop the whole person

The endeavor of the faculty is to develop the whole person: affection, mind, body, and personal and social development. Believing that all students are unique and should be provided with equal opportunities to learn, differentiated instruction must be provided.

Our Vision

"To Establish the Strong Roots, To Build the Solid Faith, To Reach Academic Excellence"

Yang mempunyai arti:

"Membangun Akar yang Kuat, Membangun Iman yang Kuat, Mencapai Keunggulan Akademik"

Our Mission

"to provide our students with a high quality, Catholic education in which students, grow academically, spiritually, and socially to meet their fullest potential"

yang mempunyai arti:

"untuk memberi para siswa kami pendidikan Katolik berkualitas tinggi dimana para siswa tumbuh seara akademis, spiritual, dan sosial untuk memenuhi potensi mereka sepenuhnya"


Saint Peter's School


Saint Peter's School


Saint Peter's School


Saint Peter's School


Saint Peter's School

Catholic Character Development
Community awareness and responsibility
Catholic Religion

Catholic Character Development

Character development in Saint Peter’s School is centred around nurturing students' spiritual, moral, and ethical growth in alignment with Catholic teachings and values. It encompasses fostering virtues such as compassion, integrity, humility, and service to others, guided by the example of Jesus Christ. Through Character-building programmes, our school plays a vital role in shaping students' character, fostering their spiritual development, and empowering them to live out their faith in service to others, guided by the principles of Catholic social teaching.

Community awareness and responsibility

Community awareness and responsibility in schools are essential aspects of education that help students become informed, active, and responsible members of their communities. These concepts involve understanding social issues, recognising the impact of one’s actions on the community, and taking responsibility to contribute positively to society. By integrating different strategies, Saint Peter’s School plays a crucial role in developing students' sense of community awareness and responsibility, preparing them to be engaged and responsible citizens.


Diversity in Catholic schools encompasses a broad spectrum of characteristics, including race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, gender, and learning abilities. Embracing diversity within Catholic schools is essential for fostering an inclusive environment that reflects the universal nature of the Church and the teachings of Jesus Christ. As a Catholic school, Saint Peter’s creates an environment that not only welcomes and respects diversity but also actively engages students in learning about and appreciating the richness of different cultures and perspectives. This approach aligns with the Catholic mission of promoting social justice, human dignity, and the common good.

The Best Academic Preparation for Future Success.

Catholic schools have traditionally excelled in providing children with the strongest preparation for future success in colleges and careers, year after year. Catholic schools consistently outperform other schools in the fundamental areas of reading, English language skills, mathematics and science. St. Peter’s shares this Catholic tradition of academic excellence.

Catholic Religion

Catholic religious activities in Saint Peter’s School are integrated into fostering students' spiritual growth, deepening their understanding of the Catholic faith, and nurturing their relationship with God. The activities are guided by Catholic teachings and traditions and are typically woven into the fabric of the school's curriculum and culture. Here are some common Catholic religious activities found in our schools: monthly holy mass, sacrament, first holy communion, retreat and reflection etc. These Catholic religious activities in schools play a vital role in nurturing students' spiritual development, fostering a sense of community, and integrating faith into all aspects of their lives. They provide opportunities for students to grow in their relationship with God, live out the Gospel values, and embrace their identity as Catholic Christians.