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SPK School

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As Principal of SPK Saint Peter’s School, I regard it as a great privilege and pleasure to lead this great family of learners. Saint Peter’s is a school where we love to learn and learn to love. We have a strong tradition for providing an excellent all-round education to young people of all abilities. We provide each student with a broad and balanced curriculum which meets his or her needs, alongside a deeply caring pastoral system, where each student is known as a child of God. I hope that this Prospectus will make it clears why Saint Peter’s is so distinctive, successful and popular.


Our public examination results are contained within – especially significant are those measures which show the progress that students make since they join us and we are pleased to note the improvement in the numbers of students gaining top in National Exams and also Checkpoint Results.

The three key elements of the school’s success are summed up in St Peter’s Three Ps:

Prayer: our starting point is Faith and the need to remember that we are always in God’s presence.

People: the process of education is not about data but about people. We learn from and through people and so human relationships are at the core of the process

Pedagogy: education is fundamentally about the art of teaching and the science of learning. Us staff and students focus on constantly improving and refining the skills used in the classroom so we can all become the best we can be.

In SPK Saint Peter School, we offer the enjoyable learning process, the international standardize certificates as the output, also prepare our students to become the global citizens, with the extraordinary knowledge
and skills to face all the challenges in the future. We at SPK believe every child has their own pace and path to learn and to achieve their very best results. Because for us, FAIR is not always EQUAL, your child is unique and we accept them as they are. We also keep our commitment as in the school vision, to establish the strong roots, to build the solid faith and to reach academic excellence. In order to achieve that, we commit to provide our students with a high quality, Catholic education in which students grow academically, spiritually, and socially to meet their fullest potential. If you are with us in that commitment to your child, we are happy to welcome you as our partner in educating your child, preparing a bright future by shaping your child into their very best.

Do come and visit – you can be assured of a warm welcome.

Thank you for your trust and we wish you will consider us to become your partner.