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Reading and meditation on the Word of God on Friday in the Octave of Easter, April 14, 2023


Our meditation today has the theme: In the Name of Jesus Christ. Still in the context of the Paschal event of Jesus Christ, the Easter message of peace was preached and shared continously to many people. The proclamation of the gospel of the risen Christ showed even a significant growth and brought along its fruits. Peace as the Easter greatest gift is not just a beautiful word that can be employed to be just an empty promise, but it truly embodies the person of the risen Christ. God himself is forever our peace and this will not diminish in the course of time until His message of peace meets its end. The peace that we pursue and create in this life takes its source from the peace of God.

Our growth and practices of faith really help us to create peace in this life on earth. This is expressed in every act of love which is the greatest divine law that we must practice. On this basis, the Apostle Peter and the rest of the apostles were sure of love and mercy that they put into practice so as to bring peace to the people they served. To bring peace to everyone and the environment arround us, we are taught to use this basic formula: In the name of Jesus Christ. It is mostly hoped that with this phrase of prayer,the Lord Jesus Christ as our Peacemaker enters and dwells in those who receive the gift of His blessings.

On another occasion in the beach, when Peter and the rest of the apostles returned to their routine fishing activities, the risen Jesus appeared and showing them a gesture that brought peace and joy. He gave an example of service by providing them food to eat as the fishing works already exhausted them out. The washing of the apostles' feet during the occasion of the last supper was the main inspiration for all other forms of service. The spirit and act of service must be practiced continually in real life by this first community of believers. Jesus wanted to emphasize that even though the apostles and disciples would return to their normal and routine lives, service must remain their primary spirit and act of growing as His faithful followers.

The inspiration from the two readings today illuminate our growth of faith with a wisdom from above, that every form of our act of love which is manifested in various services should always be in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The legitimacy or justification for this manifestation is Jesus Christ Himself. By using "in the name of Jesus Christ", we truly believe that this name is above all forms of name, label, status, and figure. With "in the name of Jesus Christ", all the rulers of the world and even the power of darkness such as Satan and his servants are made obedient and are under the control of the almighty God. So with "in the name of Jesus Christ", we live our lives every day under God's protection and guidance. As an expression of faith integrated in our Christian prayers, we always pray by saying: "In the name of the Lord Jesus" or "Through the intercession of Jesus Christ", and by this we entrust ourselves to God, our Father.

Let's pray. In the name of the Father ... O Father in heaven, send us your Spirit to strengthen and guide our lives as every time we say: In the name of Jesus Christ. Hail Mary full of grace ... In the name of the Father ...