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Our meditation today has the theme: See and Rejoice. Debate and slander on the identity of Jesus
Christ continues. Today the highlight of this controversy involves the figure of Abraham. The book
of Genesis presents Abraham, known as the Father for a number of the great nations of the earth,
having two characteristics. First, the figure of Abraham described as a great person chosen by God
to inhabit a territory unknown to him. He took control of the promised land all together with his
descendants. He was blessed to have many offsprings.

The second characteristic of Abraham is a covenant between God and he which must be
safeguarded by his faith and obedience to God. This basis of faith not only made him the father of
faith for many people, but also indicating his purpose to be in a happy fellowship with God forever.
This is the spiritual dimension of Abraham. The first characteristic describes the mortality
dimension of Abraham as a human, who experienced death in the world. While the second
characteristic describes Abraham as the chosen one of the Lord to experience an everlasting life in

These two dimensions of Abraham's profile are explained in its fullness by Jesus to his opponents.
He emphasized to them that Abraham, who was a man of this world after his death, submitted
himself to the order of nature. To this point of understanding, the opponents were able to understand
and believe on the mortal status of Abraham. Likewise the prophets and many other great
personages, death is basically part of their mortality.

Their eyes were completely blinded and their hearts were completely closed, so they could not
arrive at the understanding that Jesus Christ is the answer of the God's promise to Abraham and the
prophecy of the prophets. Actually Jesus was explaining that because Abraham had his spiritual
dimension, he had seen Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Abraham saw and rejoiced because God's
promise to him was realized in Jesus Christ. It is this spiritual aspect that cannot be grasped by the
Pharisees and the scribes.

Jesus is teaching us about the spiritual power that is a gift of God's Spirit to everyone who follows
Him. With this gift, we are so sure of our call to be in this life and how we see the glory of God
present in ourselves, others, and the surrounding. The experience of God's glory is the basis for us
to rejoice and be always thankful. What strengthens this joy is the spiritual aspect of everything in
life, because in it God is truly present.

Let's pray. In the name of the Father ... O Lord, our God, may we always be conscious and attentive
to Your glory that is present in everything, especially in our families, society and the Church. Hail
Mary full of grace... In the name of the Father ...