SPK Confirmation Sacrament Jakarta 19 November 2021

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On November 19th 2021, Ten students of SPK Saint Peter received Confirmation Sacrament from Vice of Jakarta Bishop, RD Samuel Pangestu in Yakobus parish in Kelapa Gading. They have got the preparation since July 2021. They are Alexander Luigi, Rafael Dylan, Sherine, Paula Christabel, Cayleen from year 8 and Rowen, Brandon Chan, Jovianna, and Michelle Oen from year 9. Confirmation Sacrament completed the baptism Sacrament and became iniziation Sacrament which assigned them as the witnesses of Christ. Congratulations and we still pray for them so that they are able to keep their Faith and becoming blessing for others.

In this holy mass RD Samuel Pangestu was accompanied by RD Antonius Suyadi and RD Marselinus Wisnu Wardhana

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