STROM GALA 2021 (Mobile Legend)
Day One, September 20, 2021, 16.00 - 18.00 PM: Mobile Legends Competition. It's an innovative choice to have a mobile legends competition.There are many participants who want to compete, who will be the winner. In this first day of elimination round the competition was going on very well and and really entertaining.
Everyone were eager to show off their talents. Bravo all students of Saint Peter who manage this event! click here
Day Two, September 22, 2021, from 16.00 - 18.00 PM. Mobile Legends second round. This competition and mobile legends tournament was so exciting, all participants tried to show their potencies and talents. One of many keys to win the game is focus on the game. Those who won yestergame and todaygame will enter the semifinal round.

Day Three, September 22, 2021, there are two Tournaments or Competitions today, and when this article is writting the games is still running. Esport PUBG Mobile and the semi final round of Mobile Legends. Esport PUBG Mobile will be introduced in the PON XX Papua 2021. Hopefully among participants there will be the future Esport champion.
Semifinal round of mobile legends is still going on. Who will be finalists among them. Creativity and students digital intelligence will make this STORM is really unforgetable.