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Reading and meditation on the Word of God on Monday of the 20th week in Ordinary Time, August 19, 2024

Our meditation today has the theme: The Requirement for Following Jesus Is True Repentance. In a faith sharing encounter among members of a basic ecclesial community, the Parish Priest was also present. During the sharing session, the Priest was asked by one of those present, who said in this way: “What is the difference between true and false repentance?” The Priest did not answer directly, but he gave the opportunity for all attendees to give their answers. He allowed them to speak freely according to one’s own experience.

One of the mothers was the first to answer and she said, “False repentance is someone who talks and promises to repent, but in reality, he does not repent. He keeps committing the same sins over and over again. Whereas true repentance is when the person talks about repenting, and he truly shows that repentance in reality. He shows it through words and actions about the change from his old habits.” A repentance is true if words and deeds are correlated.

Then there was a young man who gave his opinion by saying: “A person who truly repents is someone who does not repeat the sins that have been committed. In addition, he is always careful not to fall into temptation, so he must protect himself by always praying. While someone who does not truly repent is the one who does the opposite. He easily commits again the same sin. He also easily falls into temptation”. And an elderly grandfather gave his view by saying: “A person who truly repents is someone who chooses a new life, so he leaves his old life behind. He lets go of all his past without any regret or experiencing any loss. All his life in the past is no longer useful to him. Instead, he chooses a new life that is in accordance with God's teachings and commands. While a person who does not truly repent is someone who still follows his old life. Even though he has received a new life, he will still use the old way of life, because for him the old way of life suits him better.”

Everyone present, including the Parish Priest, seemed amazed by the grandfather's sharing. His answer was a summary of all the explanations and reflections on true repentance. Today's Gospel reading reveals it as a total self-denial. The Lord Jesus gives an answer and a challenge to someone who was looking for the best way to have eternal life, which means living in the fulness of grace of God. The answer is self-denial. A person must leave or let go of everything that belongs to this world. Then he chooses a new life by following the Lord.

By choosing to follow God, it means that we follow the lifestyle of Jesus Christ, which is self-denial. Self-denial must indeed occur in this world, for the sake of a glorious and happy life later in heaven. In the afterlife there is no more self-denial.

Let us pray. In the name of the Father ... O Lord Jesus, enable us in our self-denial to be more faithful as Your disciples. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit ... In the name of the Father ...