Congratulation! Divine 19 (Modern Dance Club, Saint Peter's JHS) got Gold Medal
Lomba Tari Kreasi Daerah Nusantara Tingkat Nasional
Junior High
Congratulation! Divine 19 (Modern Dance Club, Saint Peter's JHS) got Bronze Medal
UCWDC Global Dance Festival 2024
Junior High
Congratulation! Gabriella Tabitha T got Gold Medal, UCWDC Global Dance Festival 2024 - Line Dance Female Youth Newcomer
World Mathematics International WMI Preliminary Round
Junior High
Congratulation! Damian Denzel Lukito got Bronze Medal
World Mathematics International WMI Preliminary Round
Junior High
Congratulation! Hansel Wilfredo got Gold Medal
Marvelous Achievement of Saint Peter's JHS Students
Junior High
The Principal, Teachers and Parents congratulate the Saint Peter Junior High School Students for the 2020/2021 Academic Year for their achievements in Winning the Gold/Silver/Bronze Medal "Indonesian Olympiad of Science and Numerals 2021" organized by Pelatnas Olim. National at the National level.
Hopefully in the shade of God's love and the prayers of school leaders/principals, teachers and parents, they can motivate and improve this achievement for the sake of making the good name of Saint Peter's School.
@smpsaintpeter @osissmpsaintpeter
This competition is also designed to encourage students to keep trying to do educational efforts in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This task is examined and testified in a whole of the provinces in Indonesia, participated by thousands of smarts and intelligent students. Efforts are made with this online exam-based competition (CBT), students can still learn and excel in the midst of this pandemic condition. And also with this event, it is hoped that Indonesian students, specifically Saint Peter's Students, can better prepare for the AKM (Minimum Competency Assessment).
Medalyst Science Competition (Junior High School)
Junior High
Saint Peter's JHS Principal, Teachers & Staff, and Parents congratulate us for the success of our student:
*Gold Medal Winner* Cleone Machicko
*Silver and Bronze Medal Winners* Brynne Rusli Olivia Caitlyn Gabriella Tesalonika Axel Arnando Marsha Callista Clariza Annabel Darrel Jeremiah
in competing and representing Saint Peter's Junior High School for
*Medalyst Science Competition*
We thank you for all of your prayers and supports for our students.
May this achievement be maintained and all of these students can be a blessing to Saint Peter's School and their families.